Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea is a common condition in which your breathing periodically stops while you’re sleeping; this can happen as many as 25-30 times per hour. Each time you stop breathing, the lack of oxygen alerts your brain which temporarily wakes you up to restart proper breathing. Because the time spent awake is so brief, most people don’t remember it and believe they are getting a good nights sleep when they aren’t.
There are three different types of sleep apnea, the most common is called obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). OSA usually occurs due to a physical blockage, most likely the collapsing of the soft tissue in the back of the throat. Treatments for sleep apnea depend on the severity of each individual case and the type of apnea.
Snoring Prevention
If you snore at night, a mandibular advancement device (MAD) may achieve a better nights sleep! An MAD helps to diminish any restriction that occurs in the back of the throat by moving the jaw (and by inference your tongue) forward and away from the back of your throat which increases the size of the upper airway, thus reducing the air resistance that leads to snoring. Our staff can fit these special appliances to meet your individual specifications.
If you wake up with jaw pain, earaches, headaches, or if you find yourself clenching or grinding your teeth, you may have a common condition called bruxism. Bruxism affects about 10 to 15 percent of adults, according to the American Dental Association.
Although the causes of bruxism are relatively unknown, several factors may be involved. Stressful situations at home, school, work, problems sleeping, an abnormal bite, or crooked or missing teeth may contribute to bruxism. Many people don’t know that they grind their teeth, it often occurs when they are sleeping. If not corrected, grinding can lead to broken or cracked teeth, damaged fillings/crowns, or tooth loss.
Nightguards are an effective treatment for teeth grinding. A nightguard is a device placed in the mouth on top of the teeth to help with grinding and clenching. Night guards can prevent the wear and tear that teeth-grinding causes over time. Our custom made night guards are tear-resistant, comfortable, well fitted for your mouth, and easy to keep clean.